Welcome to myNETjourney.com - A platform for people with neuroendrocrine tumors (NETs) and anyone who wishes to learn more about the disease.
Whether you have received the diagnosis of a neuroendocrine tumor (NET) yourself or one of your loved ones has, living with a NET can pose a challenge to anyone involved.
With myNETjourney, we aim to support you with your journey ahead!
This site provides general information, tools, and advice on NETs. It connects you with resources to help and empower you to engage in your disease management.
If you have a family member, friend or loved one affected by NET, these resources may also help you better understand their condition and enable you to support them throughout their journey.
It is important to note that you may find helpful but general information here. Please discuss your specific needs with your doctor.

Understanding NET

Resources for patients

Resources for family & friends

Raising Awareness on NET Cancer Day 2024
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